subscriptionline - Lines (Sublist) NOTE: The following fields can't be updated due to NetSuite throwing errors even if the same value is set: catalogtype, discount, enddate, quantity, recurrencestartdate, startdate, subscription, subscriptionline, terminationdate. removeAllLines() will not work on update.



  • Note that the sublistId and _line are used by the Sublist decorators to actually implement functionality, even though they are not referenced directly in this class. We mark them as not-enumerable because they are an implementation detail and need not be exposed to the typical consumer


    • sublistId: string

      netsuite internal id (string name) of the sublist

    • rec: Record

      netsuite record on which the sublist exists

    • _line: number

      the line number needed in decorator calls to underlying sublist. That's also why this is public - so that the decorators have access to it.

    Returns SubscriptionLineSublist


_line: number

the line number needed in decorator calls to underlying sublist. That's also why this is public - so that the decorators have access to it.

billingmode: string | number

Billing Mode | NetSuite lists this as a select field, but often the value is a string (e.g. IN_ADVANCE).

catalogtype: string | number

Catalog Type | NetSuite lists this as a select field, but often the value is a string (e.g. OPTIONAL).

discount: string | number


enddate: Date

End Date

forceSyncSourcing: boolean = false

If true, and in dynamic mode, this parameter can be used to alleviate a timing situation that may occur in some browsers when fields are sourced. For some browsers, some APIs are triggered without waiting for the field sourcing to complete. For example, if forceSyncSourcing is set to false when adding sublist lines, the lines aren't committed as expected. Setting the parameter to true, forces synchronous sourcing.

ignoreFieldChange: boolean = false

If set to true, the field change and the secondary event is ignored.

includeinrenewal: boolean

Include In Renewal Subscription

isincluded: boolean


item: number


linenumber: string

Line Number

nsrecord: Record
prorateenddate: boolean

Prorate End Date

proratestartdate: boolean

Prorate Start Date

quantity: number


recurrencestartdate: Date

Recurrence Start Date

revrecoption: string

Revenue Recognition Option

startdate: Date

Start Date

status: string | number

Status | NetSuite lists this as a select field, but often the value is a string (e.g. ACTIVE).

sublistId: string

netsuite internal id (string name) of the sublist

subscription: number


subscriptionline: number

Subscription Line

subscriptionlinetype: number

Subscription Line Type

terminationdate: Date

Termination Date

useDynamicModeAPI: boolean

If true, uses dynamic mode API calls to access sublist line field values. If false, uses standard mode The default behavior is to use dynamic mode if the record is in dynamic mode. You can override this (force using 'standard mode' APIs even with a dynamic record) by setting this value false prior to your code that manipulates the sublist line.


  • Gets the subrecord for the given field name, handling both dynamic and standard mode.

    Normally you don't call this method directly. Instead, simply define a property on your sublist class matching the field name for the subrecord and decorate it as a subrecord. e.g.

    billingaddress: AddressBase


    • fieldId: string

      the field that points to the subrecord

    Returns Record

  • Defines a descriptor for nsrecord so as to prevent it from being enumerable. Conceptually only the field properties defined on derived classes should be seen when enumerating


    • value: any

    Returns void

  • Returns any

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